Remember when I went into Home Depot and saw those thin cedar strips in the lumber aisle?
I instantly knew they should go on this ceiling despite how low it is(7' 5 inch). And maybe I should have been nervous, but I admit---I tend to make design decisions with my gut.
And lucky for me this time it worked.
new view from the bathroom
Turns out that putting cedar on the ceiling draws the eye up and combined with the horizontal planks that I slathered in white paint, this small space feels much more spacious.
We actually got used to looking for clothes with the lights from our IPhones for awhile because of wiring issues. And now with two light fixtures it's so bright and happy looking!
Here's a few more changes that made this space work for us.
1. Changed our stacked washer/dryer and re-routed water and electrical lines for this.
2. Added countertop
3. Added industrial rods to hang clothes
After the plumber and electrician were done I could finish installing the planks. The ceiling was already done. And I was ready to decide on the countertop.
When it came to the countertop I originally planned using the butcher block from Lowes, but I couldn't get the depth of 33 inches without it being an expensive special order.
So I went to the lumberyard and picked some smooth pine pieces and made my own with my Dad's help.

Oh yeah. And one funny confession I have to make.
When discussing the two industrial style rods I wanted add on the side walls, my Dad happened to ask me one crucial question,
"You did nail your planks into studs right?"
Me: Gulp
I know. What the heck was I thinking? But in my defense it had been awhile since I installed planks. The good news is that I got lucky and hit the studs on most of them. But to make sure I went back and with my Dad's help, located the studs and I completed the job.

If you follow me on Instagram you already know about this black door.
When I went to sand it for some touch-up paint, strips of black literally peeled away.
Since I had to re-paint the entire door anyway, I decided to paint it with the same Behr Pure White as the walls. This is the door to the garage so I felt ok about changing it even though the rest of my interior doors are black.
The bathroom is directly off this little laundry room and since this door is black, I didn't like having both black doors so close. This white door enlarges the space.

In this picture you get an idea of how many cuts I had to make when installing these planks. Not only did I install all the ceiling strips but every plank in this room. Then I had fill the nail holes and paint everything.
If you're ever in need of a helpful distraction from your grief, this is a good one.

I was standing in the aisle with all the cabinet hardware (Home Depot again) when this woman asked me for my opinion about these pretty glass knobs.
Not only did I encourage her to use them on her shabby chic dresser but I bought them myself for this storage cabinet in here. And no, I didn't have to build it, it was already here it just needed some fresh paint.
I'm so glad I found this vintage oil painting in the consignment store. Nobody wanted her so I got her for half off and the colors and the vibe---along with the cedar strips became the inspiration for this entire project.
One little thing leads to another.
Have you noticed that too?
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Inspire Me Monday
Home and Garden Thursday
It turned out so well Leslie. I love the relationship you have with your dad. :-)
Thank you Carla. I do love working on projects with my Dad. :)
Leslie- That turned out great. I am a "go with the gut" gal,too. It usually works but not always. lol I think it is so bright and beautiful now-Great choices all the way around. Working on a project is good for the soul, isn't it? It gives the mind a momentary rest from pain sometimes. Love to you- Diana
I love that portrait too! And I love how you maximized storage by hanging stuff on that door! I need to do this in my horrible 'laundry room' which is just an ugly pass through when you come in through the garage. All of the architectural interest with the planking and industrial elements is inspiring. Thanks, Leslie. This girl needs to do something, ANYTHING to improve hers. xox
Your laundry room is quite charming Leslie. You have a wonderful for design. Hope you are doing well.
I love your new laundry room!! Thank you for sharing everything you did. Hugs,
Oh soooo pretty! Nicely done!
You shine at making ho-hum spaces sing with warmth and welcome. I was so happy to see you had found the energy and desire to do your magic.
This laundry room is beautiful! I can't believe you did all that work yourself...cutting the planks and installing them. In all seriousness, I wouldn't even know where to begin with something like that. I've never used a saw - regular or power - in my life! I can barely change a lightbulb. ;-) You are amazing!
Come and put planks on my wall!
It's lovely and the cedar does add to the room. It's perfect.
It's time I did something with my laundry room, it's stuck in time...
This is such a beautiful space, Leslie! I have never had a finished laundry room inspire me to have one at the lakehouse. Your space is so functional, too...I really love the hanging bar! And the painting was a real find!
Leslie, you are so talented! You need your own show on HGTV or the DIY network. I am always amazed at all of the things that you build on your own! I would love to do my laundry in here.
Sending you a big hug my friend. You are loved.
I noticed HER first THING!
Your laundry room came out beautiful. I cannot believe all the things you attempt. I am proud of you, Leslie, and you are an inspiration.
Hugs from Umbria
I love how you included the art pieces!!! Laundry Chicness!!^^
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