
Friday, July 19, 2013

the beauty of blue and white (and a before and after…)


summer house 2myparducci


Maybe it’s because it’s summer… but right now I’m completely smitten by blue and white color combinations.

In fact, the other day I looked outside at my dark wicker patio set with the blue cushions and I thought, hmmm…

Boring brown. Drab feeling.

why not?



So I went out, bought some white spray paint, and voila..




Instant blue and white in my patio and the white wicker change made me so darn happy.

Isn’t it fascinating how color affects our mood?




Today I thought I would keep this cheery feeling going, so I’m sharing some of my favorite blue and white photos with you. Here’s one of my favorite designers. I love Holly’s rooms and these bold drapes are calling my name. Well actually, I love everything about this photo.



Someone asked me about my fabric for my white chairs…well here it is… blue and white ticking. It’s simple and classic. Only right now my chair seats are one of my unfinished projects. I bought some foam for the new seats that was too thick and have you ever tried cutting foam with scissors? It’s not pretty.

But I promise to share my outdoor table and chairs when I’m done.



Isn’t Miss Mustard Seed’s room fresh and airy looking?

If you notice a calming effect when you’re around a lot of blue  apparently you’re not imagining it; blue has actually been shown to reduce blood pressure and heart rate.



This is another one of my quirky loves…stripes!  Only in this photo I don’t know what I’m loving more, the lively chest, the red exterior woodwork or that adorable pooch.




Because blue represents the ocean and the sky it’s considered to have expansive properties, which means that when you paint a room blue it often makes the room feel larger.

This is one of my favorite bedrooms….




People who love blue tend to dislike confrontations and are often the diplomats in disagreements. Does this describe you?



Sky Blue promotes fantasy and imagination…


(my friend Lori posted this.. for lots more prettiness visit her HERE)

This is the color I painted my buffet that sits in my dining room. It’s still one of my favorite DIY projects.




Azure Blue  is the favorite color of people who are content with life, those who have the attitude that “the journey is better than the destination.”













When you look at the things you collect, the color of the pillows you keep buying or the clothes that you feel good in…

which colors are you consistently drawn to…?



* for more pretty pictures you can check out my Pinterest boards. And click HERE to read the article on color preferences I used for this post.

I’m partying with these friends:




  1. Hi Leslie, love the white painted chairs that you created. Yes I love blue and white too. My living room has pops of blue in it and I have a beautiful blue ceiling which I adore!

    Hope you have a lovely weekend.

  2. Oh, what lovely pictures.

    I love your patio chairs - the blue pops against the white.

    Each photo spoke to me in a different way. I am about ready (just need the time) to paint our dresser Annie Sloan Greek Blue. It is scratched and chipped after 25 years and I agree that blue will be soothing.

  3. Love the chairs painted white!!! And the way the art is hung in the 5th photo ... I'm drooling!!!! Thanks for sharing:)
    New follower Francine

  4. To cut through cushion foam use your electric knife....makes a much smoother cut.

  5. I love the blue and white!! Just a tip - when cutting foam use an electric knife - it works wonderfully!!

  6. I love blue & white, also. My bedroom is painted a soft blue/gray color. I'm throwing some green in the mix now, because I like it!

  7. I love blue & white too:) I have a blue and white themed Kitchen with a plate wall:) Pinned some pics. I'm a new follow for your page. I posted anchors away to the Creative party! Stop by:)

  8. Leslie, love this post! Blue and white is so refreshing to me. Yes, the description does fit me. I very much dislike disagreements and confrontations and avoid such situations at all costs. You posted one of my favorite images that I carry along in my bag.....the one with the bamboo secretary. I've been looking for one for a long time. I've given this photo to friends to be on the lookout for me. I'll now add you to that list. Ha!
    You already have the photo!
    Lots of blue in our home. I've a collection of blue and white ceramics as well. Imagine that? '-)

  9. What could be better than blue & white in the summer? Your wicker chairs look fresh and pretty with their new white paint. I've got a few of those same photos pinned for inspiration. I foolishly sold my blue and white stagecoach blinds that were hung in my dining room and now I'm looking for blue fabric again. I've had my blue sofa and Blue Willow collection for over 20 years and I've yet to tire of the color. It's timeless!

    Thanks for a fun post!

  10. Your wicker furniture looks beautiful! I, too, always think that crisp blue and white just make the perfect summer colors. Both seem so cool and comfortable.


  11. I just got home from helping my daughter with painting her maple hutch. She chose AS Old Violet, it is a colonial blue (not purple) and with the clear & dark wax it is amazing!! I love the tease with your wicker patio furniture...I thought, no she didn't, and yes you did!! The lab would be my choice...looks like my walking partner! Have a great weekend!

  12. You've got me on this one Leslie:) I adore blue and white. It's a true classic that fits with almost all decor. You've featured some beautiful spaces here! Have a nice weekend:)

  13. Love the change in your patio furniture. And the bloom and white are so calm and cooling during this hot summer heat.

    Love yoru inspiration shots.

    Happy Weekend!!

  14. Wow the chairs look great as white! Here is a couple of tricks for cutting thick foam. 1. place a board on the foam and squish it down as much as possible to get it as thin as possible and cit with an exacto knife. or, and this is the way i do it.... 2. use an electric carving knife, used for turkey etc, it just slices the foam like bread. If your edges on the foam aren't perfect it wont show if you wrap quilting batting around the foam before covering with fabric, you won't achieve sharp square edges, but a more rounded look. Good luck, can't wait to see your project finished! Patty/BC

  15. Oh I love blues as well! And I am constantly drawn to the natural tones of the outdoors lately.

  16. Life is most definitely art. I'm always inspiring by your creations - my taste aligns with yours! Seriously, I want to enroll in your decorating/craty/diy class :).

  17. Such blue and white beauty! My favorite combo!!!!
    LOVE the look of your outdoor chairs. A real classic!!!!

  18. I'm drawn to blues and whites too in the summertime! My sister and her husband are building a cottage on their property for my mom and we've been picking out all the colors - she too wants blues and whites! I love that quote you have here too - so true! Happy weekend to you! xxoo

  19. oh blue makes me feel sooooo good. and your chairs look fresh and new in their snowy goodness. it's the color i look best in, and i've used blue and white in a lot of homes we have lived in.

    have a wonderful new week!


  20. Hey girl! Sorry I have been absent lately :o( I have always loved blue and white ~ it screams fresh and summertime to me. Your chairs look fantastic ~ isn't it amazing what paint can do... I have a couple of yards of ticking that I am not sure what I am doing with yet ~ tim ewill tell. Thanks so much for the shout out ~ my mouth literally dropped open ~ you are just so sweet. Hope you had a great weekend Leslie. xo

  21. Hi Leslie

    Thank you for your comment on Hometalk. I love the combination of blue-white-red.

