
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

rustic plank table & chairs (and a Gratitude place setting)


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Thank you to all my readers who had such nice things to say about the rustic plank table my Dad and I made out of a pile of sun-bleached wood. If you missed it, you can click HERE to see how we made it.

I really had fun sharing this project and today I thought I’d give you an update on my outdoor seating for this table.


Personally I love the combination of wicker and wood in the patio, and if you remember I already had two thrift store chairs to use so I splurged and bought these four wicker chairs (on sale) at Pier I Imports.

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After I painted the wood chairs with a batch of homemade chalk paint, I removed the seats because I wanted to put this blue and white ticking on them and replace the foam.

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Honestly, I didn’t take photos of this part of the re-do because I thought it was going to be so easy and too boring for you.

Little did I know.

I ended up having a terrible time with the foam. I bought the wrong thickness and when I tried to cut it with scissors it was messy and slow.

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Thank goodness I have some incredibly talented readers like Robyn, Sandra, and Violets are Blue who let me know about using an electric knife with foam. It was the answer.





I know it’s not as fun to look at plain old tables so…

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… I added a place setting to give you an idea of what dining on this table might look like.

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I think the blue ticking seats look perfect with the weathered wood.

What do you think?

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In case you’re curious about this place setting, I simply snipped a piece of fresh rosemary and tied it with twine. I printed the word “Gratitude” on the computer, tore the edges and ran them over a sepia ink pad.

Then I mod-podged the word onto a tag.

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Here’s a close-up of the white-washed planks.


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And this is my gratitude place setting

Because this is my word lately.

Gratitude is such fascinating experience, don’t you think? It seems to grow the more we focus on on appreciating those simple, tiny details of our lives which interestingly, end up being the important stuff.

Like sitting around this table last night with my parents and suddenly realizing that everyone in that moment was healthy. My parents. Jim. Me. God, that felt incredible.

And realizing that Michael has no more surgeries ahead of him. And Patrick hasn’t fallen on his head and had to go to the emergency room lately. And realizing I have friends. Amazing ones who took me to San Francisco to celebrate my birthday.

And a husband who went shopping with me over the weekend and bought me a dreamy birthday present. OK, I’m digressing now…but I can’t help it cause I’m sooooo excited about what I got this weekend….

one more thing to be grateful for….

Here’s a few teasers.

Hint 1: it’s something to sit on

Hint 2: Belgian linen.

stay tuned for more….




I’m linking this post up with these friends:




  1. Oh what a totally lovely setting Leslie! It just feels so serene and relaxed. I love the mix of the rustic table with the wicker chairs and the ticking covered cottage style chairs. And the simplicity of the lantern and blue mason jars filled with simple flowers is perfect! I often snip rosemary to tuck in place settings too. We even used it at Megan's wedding. (My mother-in-law wondered why we used pine branches in the napkins - too funny!) And what sweet tags! Gratitude is such a lovely word. We often get so caught up in looking ahead that be forget to be grateful for the moment before us. What a nice reminder! ... Anyone you gets to come enjoy some time at this table with you must feel very grateful!

  2. Love the ticking seat covers, they look great with the table.....The simple place setting is toooo cute! I have seen so many of them on Pinterest lately, love it!

    Thanks for your visit.....Enjoy your day!

  3. Your new/old table is awesome. The ticking goes perfectly with it. Glad you enjoyed your birthday. Can't wait to see the gift!

  4. Love how you put all these styles together to create such a great area would love it if you came by and shared at Hope to see you there

  5. Great job on the chairs and I love the way the ticking picks up the natural striations of the wood. And the simplicity of your place setting is lovely.

    Gratitude - a word we all need to think about in our daily lives.

  6. Oh I love it, so pretty and the ticking on the chairs is fabulous. Such a pretty tablescape too. You did a really great job. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  7. I just love your table and chairs so much! I'm glad my tip was useful for you. Blessings and gratitude for so many things we have, indeed : ) Patty/BC

  8. So relaxing to look at this setting and imagine your gratitude and the love surrounding you. You are so right to bookmark these moments. I too often say thanks and make wishes for serenity and good health for all, safety and awareness. Xxcat

  9. And it's always so beautiful to make something with your Dad! I have a chest and a cabinet he fixed and this makes me treasure them more. X

  10. Beautiful. Absolutely Beautiful. Love every little detail!

  11. I am in love with your table, Leslie! You made an excellent choice for the chairs, I adore ticking stripe! I have a rosemary tree and I like to put snippets of it in with my flowers in vases for that sweet scent. Beautiful. And isn't life lovely when we look around and know we are all in a good place?


  12. Happy Birthday sweetie!! Love the blue ticking on the white ~ I think I am repeating myself here but oh well ~ I am here the same day you posted ~ lol. It's the simple things that we need to grab hold of and really look at ~ things we take for granted. That is one of the reasons I picked blessed as my word this year ~ it is a gentle reminder of all that I have. xo

  13. The table is fabulous. I love the weathered gray look. The ticking is perfect with it. I found you via One more Time Events. Have a great week!


  14. Oh...I forgot. I'd love it if you would share this at "What We Accomplished Wednesday," at Green Willow Pond. It is live right now. Have a great week!


  15. beautiful all together. Love the gratitude tag with the rosemary too. Was today your birthday?

  16. Pinned to my i Heart stripes board! Which i do, and I love your summer table! I posted anchor dress:) Swing by

  17. Wow how cool that you and your dad made this table! It is beautiful and I love how the chairs look! Love it all! Come link up your post at my party Centerpiece Wednesday

  18. the new chairs look perfect with the table, and can't wait to see the linen of which you speak!



  19. Hi Just stopping by to let you know you are the Friday Feature of the Day over at Congratulations and thank you for sharing....Xo Tammy

  20. I'm visiting from Clean and Scentisble.

    This is just beautiful! I love the whole thing, but especially the place setting--simple, sweet and meaningful.

    Thanks for sharing!

  21. Love your plank table and chairs! So beautiful!!!
