
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

how a painter’s drop cloth became a beachy tablescape


This might be the first Cinderella story involving a painter’s drop cloth that you’ve ever heard. Are you ready?

Do you all remember the drop cloth I brought home from Home Depot at the beginning of June? I had no idea what I was going to do with it, but then I got this sudden vision of a summer party. With lots of white twinkling lights. Outside. And a beach theme.

Well, the next thing I knew, I was painting these blue stripes on my drop cloth.


You can click on this link to see the tutorial on how I painted these stripes

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And I loved how it turned out. And I really wanted to use it.

But here it was, the end of summer, and the only party I’d hosted was this Wild About You dinner party. Somehow, there hadn’t been time for that lovely summer soiree in my patio.

My poor drop cloth was all dressed up with no place to go.

What to do? Well, luckily I have a wonderful friend who lets me decorate at her parties, so I promptly folded up my painted canvas and took it her house.


She was hosting a birthday party for two of our dear girlfriends, so guess what went on the table? Of course. The drop cloth. Only it was 100 degrees outside, so my beach-themed party would have to be indoors.

Wouldn’t you know it?  I only took a few pictures with my phone camera while setting the table.


I wish I would’ve pulled the chairs out for this shot. The best part of using a 9 x 12 canvas, is that you have a luxurious floor length table covering.


Can you see the white lifesavers that are tied to the blue napkins? A cute nautical touch, don’t you think?


An easy centerpiece

The texture of a canvas table covering is perfect for pouring sand down the center of your table and adding sea shells and flowers, it’s an easy centerpiece. Can you pretend there’s loads of sand on this table?

Here’s another idea from Style Me Pretty.

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Small silver buckets on a blue and white table look wonderful when they’re filled with flowers, don’t you think?


One more thing. Don’t forget the mason jars.

When entertaining outside, I like to fill mason jars with sand and candles and place them everywhere.


via weddings by lucie bichet

Mason jars are a cheap way to get this look.

For my Harry Belafonte Caribbean Party I emptied bags of sand on the path leading to my front door. And I put jars of candles inside the sand on both sides of the walkway. It was such a pretty way to welcome guests at night.

And before I go, I have to show you the beach-themed treats that I took to the party. Don’t these cupcakes look cute with parasols? If you want these recipes, you can click on

The Best Carrot Cake recipe ever…



And that’s it.

That’s how my plain Jane painter’s drop cloth became a beach beauty. Just for a night.

Sigh, don’t you love a happy ending?

You’re so wonderful for stopping by, have a lovely day.



I’m linking up at these parties:



  1. That is awesome.. love it. Enjoyed finding your blog!!

  2. Love it! So crafty and thrifty. Thanks for following and linking up with Mom's Monday Mingle. I'd love to have you join in Weekend Blog Walk on Friday!

    Jessica @ At Home Take 2

  3. Leslie it looks great! What a great use of a drop cloth, and don't get me started on mason jars which I love BUT you can't get them here in Australia. Just coming into our Summer now x

  4. The candle holders are great too! I'd love to attend a beachy-nautical party such fun!

    If you'd like, please join us for Photo Friday Blog Link-Up tomorrow. Simply add a favorite photo from your blog (it's okay if it is part of a post) and share the linky-love.


  5. Really pretty! I have been wanting to make a beach blanket out of a drop cloth, but it is too late now!
