
Sunday, October 25, 2015

some scary-good Halloween posts…



Once upon a time ….Halloween meant big parties and lots of creative—over-the-top decorating at our place.

But this season I’ve traded in my typical holiday festivities for a different sort of experience. And until I return to my typical blog schedule, I thought I’d share a few posts from years past that continue to bring lots of Halloween lovers to my blog.

Courtesy of Pinterest.


top pinned halloweeen posts


Top row: Scavenger Hunt how to; Edgar Allen wreath how to; Elegant Halloween Dinner party ideas

Second row: Creepy Doll Head Chandelier; White Glove Hand Place Card; Crow Art

Bottom row: Haunted House tour; black and white welcome; A ghostly dinner party





my “to-die for” invitations




10 Halloween items to get at thrift stores



How about you?

Do you have any plans for Halloween?








  1. With Halloween being on a Saturday night this year, we think we might actually get some visitors. So, we are both going to dress up. I have to get creative now and come up with some fun costumes.

    I was down your way last Thursday. I am co-chairing the committee for my 50th high school reunion and we scored a fantastic venue in a private colony on the water in San Clemente. Boy was the traffic horrendous coming back. I did pop in to a shop at the OC Mix that I had seen on Instagram.

  2. These are all fabulous idea Leslie! I love them!

    I will not be attending any parties but I hope I get lots of trick or treaters to eat all of the candy!

    I hope all is well which you and your class. I was thinking of you thins morning when I was at yoga!

  3. Lots of spooky goodness! We usually decorate the front of the house and the entryway on Halloween...we love having the grandkids come by! Hope you are doing well...have a fun Halloween!

  4. We get absolutely no trick or treaters here or at the lake. We will be having some Halloween fun of our own at the lake with Maryann and Howard!!

  5. Leslie,
    We used to decorate much more for Halloween than we do now as empty nesters. But we love the little kids that trick or treat in our neighborhood and we always have fun. I love several of the popular posts you've sent out in past years.
    I hope your yoga training is going well.

  6. Hello plans for us...I remember the parties when Victoria was younger, fun memories...we'll just await the trick and treat visitors, but we won't be dressing up!! ;)
    Hope all good with you my lovely yogi xx

  7. Oh my! We haven't celebrated Halloween since the kids were small. We will be home reading this year too because there are no children in our neighborhood.

  8. always a plan! get the hell outta the neighborhood and away from the ghouls! i don't celebrate it but my husband enjoys trick or treaters so he is our rep. don't think twice about sabbaticals from blogging--i think you have to listen to your heart and i bet you will return to it refreshed. thinking of you and your course which i can imagine is stretching you in more ways than one. hang in there. xox
