
Thursday, July 7, 2016

Scenes from a summer wedding ....

Sometimes it takes a few humps in the road to get me to slow down.
Today I'm on a pair of crutches after twisting my ankle and (even though all this sitting is driving me crazy)
it's given me a chance to finally get back here to my blog.

I've been taking some time off to enjoy the summer and I can't believe how fast June flew by, in fact, it's already been a few weeks since we attended a beautiful wedding in Pismo Beach, California. And while I didn't have my good camera with me, I did want to share a few pictures from my phone to commemorate this special event.

Nicole is the daughter of our dear friends, Tracey and Andy. We've watched her grow up since elementary school and we felt so sentimental about seeing her get married to a wonderful guy named Tyler.

We arrived at our hotel just in time to get ready for the wedding after an eventful trip (that's a story for another time) and we were SO ready to relax and be done with driving.

The wedding guests were transported from our hotels in Pismo Beach to the Dana Powers House in nearby Nipomo.
When the bus turned on to the long, dirt road the only thing I could see in front of me was a green field until we drove up to a brown, wooden structure hidden behind rows of fruit trees.
The rustic 1880s barn felt removed from the outside world, a romantic hideaway in the middle of nowhere and as a guest I felt instantly transported.

Tyler's older brother married the couple under sunny skies  and a heat wave that made us guests thankful for the occasional warm breeze.

Some relaxed laughter happens when your brother (and brother-in-law) is officiating.

The beautiful bride with her handsome new husband.

While everyone mingled at the outdoor bar and sampled the appetizers being passed on silver trays, I headed into the barn to get a few photos of the reception area. But I have to admit, the light coming through all the slats in the wood made it tough to get clear pictures with my phone. 

The tall, soaring ceilings made the entire space feel expansive and open and when you looked up you saw delicate chandeliers hanging from the rafters. 

This one wall was filled with vintage gold-framed mirrors that made a sparkling backdrop for the crystal chandelier.

The bride and groom had their own private, little table.

I'm so glad I went into the barn while it was still mostly empty because I got to see details I might have missed once the room was full. These family pictures were hung with clothespins on simple string, and were my favorite personal touch at the wedding.

When two people marry, it's the union of two families as well.

So I loved that the wedding photos of the parents and grandparents were on display too.
I love your wedding photo Trace!
Someone did a great job compiling all these pictures.

Now here's a look at the tables.

White linens with simple burlap is the perfect blend of rustic and chic for a barn reception.
Do you notice all the strings of white lights?
These are such an inexpensive way to add ambiance, don't you think?

I see votive candles and individually wrapped cookies lovingly tied with raffia by Mary...
Table numbers in white pop out on the wood blocks.

and now...introducing Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Smith!
First things first.
A charming choreographed dance with a live band playing in the background.
This is Tracey, the proud mother of the bride.
Don't you love her dress?

There were so many moments I wish I could have captured, but I was too busy living the experience. But one of the more touching moments was when Andy gave his father-of-the-bride speech, holding the microphone while dropping his yellow-lined papers as he went, his speech--so poignant and funny at once--was delivered in classic Andy style that made us all laugh and cry at the same time.
Funniest line?

"Tyler, me King, you Prince."

Followed by the perfect son-in-law response which was a playful bow.

Sigh. What a special night. I think the best part--besides being with dear friends again-- was watching how much fun the bride and groom were having on the dance floor. 
Congratulations to Nicole and Tyler!



  1. Beautiful venue for a wedding. Thanks for taking us along. Fun to see. I'm going to a wedding in New Orleans end of August.

  2. What a lovely summer wedding.
    Bests Wishes to the Bride and Groom xx oo
    Thank you for sharing,

    You Get Well
    xx oo
    xx oo

  3. I love weddings! Barn weddings seem so personal and fun. (I know they involve as much planning and detail work as the more elaborate, formal weddings, but they are so appealing).
    Everything looks lovely. I hope it cooled a bit as the evening approached. :-)
    Hope your ankle is soon recovered it's strain.

  4. That looked like such a fabulous wedding and in such a gorgeous area of the Central Coast. My daughters boyfriends name is Tyler Smith too. Haha. Thanks for sharing this! xxoo

    THE MOTHER TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Beautiful VENUE!

  6. What a lovely post for a lovely wedding!!

  7. Such a beautiful place to have a wedding! Glad you took us along! Hope your ankle heals quickly!

  8. What a beautiful wedding.

    This time last year I was just a couple of weeks from my son's wedding and that was such a fun time.

  9. You can just feel the love and happiness of this couple!

    Marilyn (in Dallas)

  10. what a charming wedding and reception! i love the light streaming through those slats! and white fairy lights are always a good idea! xox

  11. What a lovely personal, beautiful, and charming. Take care of that ankle, Leslie! xoxo

  12. one of my favorite things is visiting around blogland. this wedding is beautiful...the special touches were fabulous and loved the king/prince comment and response. what delightful senses of humor; that'll go a long way in making a beautiful life.

  13. What a beautiful event! The floral was gorgeous. And yes, that mother of the bride dress is the best ever. Glad you had some fun. Sorry about that ankle thing...

  14. Awesome truly. Summer weddings are something that I personally like most. Those pictures are gorgeous. May I ask, did you hired any music band? You haven't mentioned it anywhere. We have a Gypsyjazz band experts for הרכב ג'אז לחתונ, if ever you are interested you can drop a call directly to us mentioned on website.

  15. Truly, these scenes from this summer wedding are just mesmerizing. I am in love with each and every detail in this ceremony. You know dear we also had an outdoor wedding reception at beautiful wedding venues Los Angeles. Our planner also did wonderful work and made our day even more special.
