
Tuesday, June 2, 2015





Sometimes reclaiming our power is as simple as starting all over.

Have you noticed this too?

We start something. We stall for awhile, and sometimes we even give up. But there is a certain scrappy power that comes from persisting, from our willingness to keep learning from our stumbles and begin again.

Within each of us is this inner reservoir of strength that we can must stay connected to, that we must feed and nourish through our self care and our positive mindset. But last month I felt myself draining it more than I was replenishing it.

Even when Life is full and bustling with basically good things it is possible for me to lose a sense of balance about my life; my own role as first-born and ‘caretaker’ in my family dynamics means that I can give and give until I suddenly wake up feeling depleted. And finding myself asking questions like, “Why has it been so long since I’ve gone to the gym?” and “Why am I spending so much time doing menial chores when I want to be doing other things?”

Have you noticed how little annoyances grow when we’re not taking care of ourselves?

And so…June is the month I find myself in need of a re-start in a few areas.



 After ending May in a whirlwind of activities that included sending Michael off to Georgia to compete in the National Regatta Championships and then attending his final—very sentimental-- Crew awards banquet, hosting my parents for a much needed visit, continuing our DIY projects ( new French doors installed in a room) and joining a neighborhood garage sale where we finally—finally—have rid ourselves of cumbersome stuff from our old house….


I awoke on the first day of June feeling a surprising lightness.


Suddenly June was looking like my new best friend.


And the first thing I did was go back to the hot yoga studio.

I had traded yoga for the gym several months ago and even though I had a good run with a personal trainer who gave me a set of work-outs that I truly enjoy, I just never felt the same emotional replenishment that I got with hot yoga.

So instead of focusing on what took me so long, or worrying about my abilities to do the poses after so long, I just went back. I signed up again and plopped down on my mat and languished in the joy of being back in the heated room, inside my sweaty body, surrounded by fellow peace seekers.

In fact, before I left  I joined the Summer Challenge going on at the studio which is a commitment to 52 classes in 92 days. Basically four classes a week throughout summer. Which means my name is now plastered on the studio wall making it a definite commitment.

Which is what I needed, to reclaim some balance in my life for something that makes me feel strong and healthy from the inside out.

How about you? Is there something in your life you want to prioritize this month?

Would you like to join me for a little June Self Care?




Before I go here are some other people or projects I’ve found inspiring lately:


We just saw this MOVIE and I loved it…hooray for old fashioned romance!

I’m using this wish-list when it comes time for our kitchen remodel

this gifted writer and her gorgeous food blog

a coastal farmhouse re-model

an amazing couple that will change the way you look at sunsets forever (have Kleenex nearby, seriously)

















  1. Leslie,
    Your posts are always inspiring. I made a little list for myself for June. More exercise, more practice at being mindful and down time.
    Congrats to your son. I love the milestones within family that add wonderful moments/memories to life.
    I enjoyed each link you provided. Bella Rustica was fun to see and the kitchen wish list are great tips for kitchen remodeling.
    Enjoy the rest of the week!

    I need to plan my DAYS started to make a LIST!SEEMS to be working!

  3. I'm glad you are taking time for you, Leslie...that feeling of lightness is a wonderful thing. I am hoping to enjoy this summer with family. My two brothers and families, and my mother are coming for a gathering this summer...and I want to take in every.single.moment.

  4. Lovely post my dear! I couldn't agree more with the need to continually update our varying modes of self care! Whenever I visit here … I am always refreshingly reminded …of our kindred souls. Much love to you. xox

  5. Dear, dear Leslie. I have gone through this, and sometimes to recharge is to step back a bit, reevaluate, organize, and start all over again. Now that school is out, I plan to focus on the soul-craft (well, the artistic end of that!) and to organize my plans. I am so happy to come back to blogging and see YOU there. Thank you. Our lives are precious. Each day is an opportunity to learn our purpose, our value.

    BE WELL! Anita

  6. Leslie, your post is inspiring in ways I needed. I need to recharge now that June is here. May has been stressful on several different levels. Thank you for inspiring me post after post. You are a terrific friend! '-)

  7. I read your post early this morning and forwarded the link about the Peace Corps volunteer to Steve, but I forgot to comment. Steve and I were in the Peace Corps so I was quite touched about Shalin Shah's story. The swearing in ceremony is a big deal and it was wonderful that he was able to fulfill that dream.

  8. I just read this article and thought of you- both in the content and style of writing.

  9. Dang! How do you manage to find the best stuff! Love that coastal cottage remodel..that is my next house...almost! As I sit here on my bum waiting for my hip replacement early or any form of excercise sounds so inviting..once the pain subsides...

  10. I hear you lovely lady. I too felt so depleted by the end of May, that June is a month for taking my diet and exercise in hand!!
    Wanted to so finish reading the Shalin Shah article but just too sad to finish. I will try again though as their story needs to be read. Hope you are well Leslie xxx

  11. happy june, leslie! time for me to get back to the gym as well. yoga and swimming are calling, and i need to tone big time. we pulled the trigger on the fixer upper in question--a cottage that needs a ton of work (can you say failing windows and wood infested with carpenter ants?). i know i will need to be patient and in no way expect life to be all beer and skittles. luckily we have a place away from the mess to live while it comes together. i have also enrolled in a year long spiritual formation certificate program at moody in chicago. it's going to stretch me in important ways, and the main reason i decided to go for it now when things are chaotic and vulnerable is because it scares me. that is the direction i travel in these days and how i battle anxiety...facing my fears head on. peace to you, hot yoga mama.

  12. Hi Leslie,
    I'm on the same page. Life can speed by so fast and before you know it, it's December. I have never been more at peace than this last year. I owe it to the mat, along with great instructors. I have never felt more grounded, compassionate, and happy. I could not imagine life with out the practice. If you have ditched the mat, pull it out. Just sit on it. Intimated by a yoga studio? Don't be. Find your inner peace, and have a better experience. One breath at a time. Namaste.
    The House of Hampton

  13. This is the perfect post for me to read at this time. There are so many changes that need to be made, I often don't know where to begin! I have, however, made a promise to myself to allow myself to come first for a change. The caretaker position is so difficult, as we give and give and seldom give ourselves the freedom to take, even if it's from ourselves. There's too much riding on my being able to do what I need to do, so I have to make changes to improve my daily life. In fact, I came to your blog this morning to look at your previous post with your beautiful and peaceful garden photos so that I can make my own backyard rejuvenation area! Thank you so much for the inspiration and for laying it all our in front of me I black and white! Good luck with your yoga challenge! Hugs, Leena

  14. Thanks for the motivation to get back on the mat! It helps me so much physically that my state of mind gets better. Hope your June is filled with rejuvenation and accomplishment...and yoga. Karen

  15. Hi Leslie,
    Great post, it's a wonderful question put to us, what do I want to pay attention to this month? For me, it's probably my weight, and taking advantage of good weather, good health, and get out there and walk, try jogging, play with the dog, etc. Blue Sky Days. Care for the plants that I took the time to plant, nurture them, because it helps to nurture me. I feel like I am getting back to the person I used to be many moons ago. With a few more pounds around the middle, but I'm working on that:). xx Nancy

  16. I love your blog! I wish you lived next door. Going to pick up "Find the Good" at B & N after work. Thanks for sharing that..... Your words ring so true all the time. Can so identify with you on so many levels. And, I too loved hot yoga but had to quit because of time constraints. As soon as I retire, I am going back. Hate exercise, loved hot yoga. Blessings and many Ordinary Days!!

  17. The hot yoga is just too ... hot! But I'm taking two classes a week of regular yoga and I love it! I'm always trying to get my friends to give it a try. And I'd love it even more if it made me look like the girl in your first photo!
