
Friday, March 7, 2014

grateful moments


Today it begins.


The movers are here for the first load. And they’ll return on Saturday to finish.


Meanwhile I’m still filling up boxes and going through all the usual motions involved with moving cities. Nothing looks the same, every room is in disarray…and we keep losing the scissors. But we’re down to living just one moment at a time.

“Where’s the tape?”

“Are we keeping this?”

“Does this box go to the condo or to storage?”

“We need to eat!”

And in-between all the busy, robotic activity and increasingly long lists there are these amazing moments that keep happening, and while I don’t always have my camera…

I’m taking pictures with my heart.


Stripping away the layers of one’s neatly constructed life is a fascinating process in which you suddenly become acutely aware of what matters.

Do you want to view life with a clearer lens?

Pare down all your material possessions and let go of excess stuff and something happens to your inner world. Gazing over the empty rooms in your home is a transformative experience that I’m still learning about every day.

Simple, little moments suddenly take center stage and become refreshing reminders about finding joy in the ordinary….

Having coffee with girlfriends and meeting a new puppy…

Neighbors who come over and get emotional when they say goodbye.

Mary and Kirsten and Tracey who are busy planning a special farewell party for us…



Friends who surprise me with dinner out of the blue. And remind me that you can have a precious conversation when you’re standing in middle of chaos wearing an old sweatshirt and tights.


Bottles of wine. Tasting delicious from a Styrofoam cup when you’re talking about kids and life in a barren kitchen..


And how grateful I am for my parents. Who have become fixtures in our house, laughing with me. Helping me wrap furniture, fill up our boxes, and make decisions when I’m too tired to think.

I could keep going on with my gratitude list but power will be going off shortly and this computer will be packed away. After our farewell party on Saturday night we will return home to sleep in an empty house and greet the housekeepers in the morning. We head out of town on Sunday stopping to stay in San Luis Obispo to meet up with Patrick, before arriving at our rental in Huntington Beach.

We decided to find a house once we were down there.

If you’re still reading this, I thank you with all my heart for sticking with me through my erratic blog schedule. I’ll keep you posted on life in our new city…

in the meantime here’s a few moments of inspiration….


Daily inspiring quote




beautiful beach cottages





on the topic of Worry and Fear: Four Questions for You




You think you know the future, life, yourself, and responsibility. But you don’t.

Thoughts are not the future, they are not life, and they are not you.

You may find value in examining Byron’s four questions regarding your (worry or fearful) thought:

1. Is it true?

2. Can you absolutely know that it’s true?

3. How do you react when you believe that thought?

4. Who would you be without that thought?

With regard to starting a new life, you could believe the thought that you are afraid of it. Or you could take the statement “I am afraid of life” and turn it around to “I am excited for life.”

It may sound simple but Byron’s approach is very useful. Your current suffering is entirely thought-based and by shifting things around, you can change that. You will find a lot of value through exploring her works.

In the end, nothing can be taken from or added to you. Whether it’s a new outward life or the challenge of responsibility,

our preferences deceive us into thinking and feeling that our wholeness and happiness are in jeopardy.

Peace, on the other hand, is not seeking nor avoiding change

but simply Being… the whole way through.

Come back to yourself HERE AND NOW  instead of trying to know yourself through future possibilities and current judgmental fears.





13 things Mentally Strong People Avoid












  1. These past 5 weeks have been some of waking to the unknown, your gentle words helped so much.. Here's to finding happiness in your new home.. fondly ~lynne~

  2. Wishing you happy moving days, Leslie, if there is such a thing. I've been helping my niece (named Leslie) prepare for her moving day, which is today. Woo-Hoo!

  3. Oh Leslie-I have no idea how you find time or energy to put together such a heartfelt post in the midst of the chaos of moving. The images of your friends and your family helping and sharing these moments is touching. Seeing your house boxed up and ready for the move is bittersweet. I am excited for your next chapter and thank you for taking the time to share this transitional one step-by-step. It is a good touch stone for those of us who go through transitions sooner or later in life. Courage for the next steps my dear. Loved this post!
    xx, Heather

  4. I guess I have been out of the loop...I didn't know you were moving. That is one of the things I dread the most, but feels so good once it's all over.

  5. I wish I were there to help...such good friends you have and wine tastes good no matter the vessel it is poured into!

  6. Wishing you a safe a wonderful journey to your new city. How exciting to start this new chapter. Can't wait to read about your new adventures x

  7. I wish you all the best, Leslie. Now I need to find a box of kleenex. sniff sniff

  8. I am so excited for you. I know it is hard and fun all at the same time.
    My prayers.

  9. I'm keeping you in my prayers and good thoughts going your way. Like I said on Facebook I have moved many times and I know the feeling. Our last move we rented too and looked around for our house. It turned out great and we love our home. I love your blog and look forward to when you can start posting again. Good luck!! Kim

  10. You already know that I admire your adventuresome spirit and courage to make this move. It's exciting! Safe travels to Huntington Beach. Namaste ~ Leslie

  11. Your post is so touching and reflective. Your pain can be felt in your words. Praying for a smooth move with God's peace surrounding your family.

  12. Enjoy your move.. I'm sure the perfect house is just waiting for you to find it!! marcy

  13. Happy moving day my friend! I know saying goodbye will be hard, but I also know that your heart is open to what comes next. I am so excited for you!

  14. Lovely post, Leslie...I am so excited for you as you take the next step...xoxo

  15. You are documenting your leaving a place you love, the people you love in such a great way. Your words have moved me as they always do. Bless you and I hope you have a great transition. I wish I had the words to say more. I think you stole them!


  16. I can't believe it is finally time for you to move to southern California.

    I haven't made a major move- just downsizing within town - in 37 years. I remember the excitement and fear of life in a new town.

    Have fun on your drive to a new life - I assume the last photo is of your car all packed and ready to head south. Wouldn't that be a fun car for a drive down Highway 1!

  17. Hey there friend wishing you safe travels!! I know this is a hard and emotional time for you...I'm thinking of you!! I look forward to following you along on your new adventure!! xo

  18. I almost feel as though I am living vicariously through this move of yours. It is something that I find so appealing yet riddled with what-ifs. We are coming to a point in our life where we question our present living situation and wonder about something else.
    I admire your spirit Leslie. Safe travels and let the adventure BEGIN. :)

  19. Leslie, We are leaving for the weekend as there's a flurry of activity here and we have back to back open houses scheduled. I'm a hope, skip, and a jump behind you. It's exhausting isn't it? ..and the emotions.. a roller coaster.

    Take care of yourself. Deep breath.. and try to treat yourself to something special today:)

    I'll be thinking about you! xxleslie

  20. Oh, Leslie...thank you this is just the post I needed to read...I feel better already! You are simply BRILLIANT.
    Wishing you much happiness..I'm sure you'll be making a wonderful home again very soon. xx

  21. I am looking at the clock and know it is early afternoon for you. I want to send you a big cyber hug my friend. Have fun tonight with your friends and neighbours ~ know that there is no such thing as goodbye ~ it is see you later. xoxo

  22. you're almost there! i agree wholeheartedly with your thoughts about letting go, paring down, and gaining so much perspective! i do think you'll need a visit from your bloggy friend from the landlocked midwest in your new beachy digs, dontcha think?


  23. Be strong my friend. There will come a time when you will look back at this day and have a good laugh and cry. You will find another dream home and you will all become one again. xxLinda

  24. Even in the craziness of moving, you have managed to inspire! Wishing you the best of luck on your new adventure. I can't wait to read what's next!

  25. I have missed you!! For some reason, I stopped getting email notices re: new blog posts plus I've been helping my daughter and s-i-l pack, move and unpack. I cannot explain how exhausted I am! This "older" body just doesn't do as well as it used to...and mentally I still think I can do anything!

    I feel for you and your family. It truly is a bittersweet time. Your home has been so beautiful and welcoming. I know the new place will be too. Just think of the incredible weather you'll have! :)

    I look forward to catching up when you're settled. I wish you all the best!


  26. I'm wishing you all the best in your new journey. Beautiful words. xo

  27. Hello my dear … just popping by to say I was thinking of you and your move. Remember, I'm here, with a friendly face, if you ever want to meet for coffee or lunch! Welcome to the neighborhood!


  28. Just a peep from one of your quiet are a very blessed lady and I love the way you appreciate those blessings. Wishing you a somewhat smooth transition. Nothing is ever totally smooth, is it?

  29. Just checking in to wish you well in your move. Hopefully you are settling in.
