
Monday, November 18, 2013

this is what I’ve been doing…


Last night I was laying in bed thinking about the blog title I should use for this post.

First I thought about My Fall Home Tour. Only I wonder if I’m too late for that post since I’m already hearing Christmas music in the stores

(Can you believe that? And it’s not even Thanksgiving yet! Please tell me.Whatever happened to enjoying each season?)

OK side rant finished.


I also thought this was a nice title: A few of my Favorite Changes.

Because I do have lots of updated house projects to show you and I really like how things are looking around here.



But somehow nothing captures these last crazy, whirlwind weeks. Maybe Nesting on Steroids? Hmm… too strange? Well the truth is, I still can’t believe it’s already been more than a month since we decided to move and do you know what?

I’ve still got my sleeves rolled up and I’m still checking off projects from my list. Yep.



(I found this toile fabric in the back of my cupboard and sewed these pillows. Kirsten- -a BFF  and our realtor-- told me I needed color on my couch)

De-cluttering, organizing, painting, fixing, sewing, hot gluing…It’s true that some of these projects are required for selling our home, but honestly, some of the styling and extra touches are simply because it’s me. It’s how I express myself… I guess I just like to make pretty rooms.


Magnolia leaves and oranges ( inside my old window box)

DSC_0807 (2)use

replacing the apples, berries and candles..


The funny thing is, even though I’m incredibly busy I’m not harried. Instead, I seem to be having a lot of contented moments while being immersed in my projects. The best part of this kind of busy work is that it allows me time for reflection.





I’m totally aware that this strange, transitional time happens to be my Life right now.

So I’m actually trying to relish it all. Even this in-between period with all its unknowns.

Now each day in my home feels special; I’m conscious of the warm, comfy feeling I have inside these walls because I know I’m leaving them soon.

“Letting go” of something does that. It transforms us from within. It’s like wiping our smudgy glasses and putting them back on; suddenly ordinary things in our life appear larger and colored with meaning as if our vision has been affected. But it’s really our hearts that have been changed.

I feel this way with my parents. All of a sudden, a mundane trip to Home Depot or a cup of coffee over my kitchen island feels like a tender, picture-worthy moment. So I’m taking more IPhone photos lately because it’s the simple things I don’t want to forget. Do you know what I mean?

When we look back on our time with our friends and family, have you noticed that it’s the tiny moments that stand out in our minds? A certain facial expression. Something that was uttered during a random conversation. A shared moment of laughter. The way someone said your name.

Whatever is happening in your life, I hope you try to be fully present in it because there’s a whole lot of special moments in both the good and the bad times--that offer us the chance to grow into something different. A slower, wiser version of who we are now.

“I’m just happy to be here.”  I saw this on a bumper sticker and it’s my new mantra. Bumper sticker wisdom. Isn’t it great?

My big regret lately is that I’ve been away from the computer for long stretches of time and it’s  hard to keep up with my blogging. And I miss it. I miss all of you.


How do you catch up with an old friend? Let’s see. If we were sitting over a steaming cup of coffee I could simply tell you what I’ve been doing but since we’re in front of a screen, how about I just show you what’s been keeping me busy?


Patrick’s old room updated.  Here’s the pillow I sewed after I fell in love with this fabric.




Yesterday I made this magnolia wreath to hang on the window since I don’t have curtains in here. I had no idea what I was doing….

but fresh Magnolia leaves + hot glue gun + old burlap wreath =



I love Magnolia leaves don’t you?


Here’s Michael’s old room-Before photo


After photo

I actually had those celadon green curtains folded in my linen drawer from another decorating phase of mine. I finally know what it means to “shop your home” for new stuff. It’s amazing what I’m finding.

For the other side of Michael’s room, I needed a lamp to go next to a chair

so I turned this old, yucky thing from this into this:


courtesy of a can of spray paint and a new shade



I gave these three walls a fresh new coat of touch up paint in the upstairs attic room.



I made this moss green letter “H”….


to get ready for Christmas…

( I promise to show you how I made this)


I stained this stool and plank wood a dark walnut to finish styling my Master bathroom. (I’ll show more photos later)



I planted my Paperwhites. Two entire packs of them in this metal container …


because I like this look.

The only problem is.. I hate tossing out old plants and since I still had a little ivy plant in my container  I decided to make a quick topiary with a clothes hanger.








my clothes hanger topiary…


Oh my goodness. I have SO much more to share but I’ve already put too many pictures in this post. I’ll be writing more now that I’m winding down on these house projects…Only a few more things and we’re ready to list it.


Right now I’m loving number seven on this list.

Which one is grabbing your attention?




I’m sharing this post with these friends:




  1. Hello my dear... I would definitely pick number 19 for sure!

    Ironically I was just thinking of you ... and was going to leave a note on your blog, to say so ... and voila ... your link popped up on Facebook!!

    I can understand why you have been away from your blog ... so many, many wonderful projects!! I have also been planting paper whites today!

    Your house looks like a realtors dream listing ... I would think your claw footed tub would seal the deal on it's own!

    So happy to see your bright and powerful attitude during your period of transitions ... you are forever an inspiration! I pinned the soul list ... it's wonderful!

    I read you are taking lots of iphone pictures ... does that mean you are on instagram? It is my favorite of all social media ... using it has taught my soul to concentrate and share the beauty in my life ... as well as connecting instantly to others ... all across the globe. If you haven't tried it ... I think you would really enjoy it!

    So happy to have had the chance to 'catch up with you my dear! Wishing you a wonderful new week!

  2. Leslie all your changes look AMAZING my friend!! I love the shot looking from your dining room into your living room...gorgeous!!

  3. You are amazing! I loved the little mini tour, especially the fall touches in the living room! The quote on the chalkboard is the one I selected to share with my garden club tomorrow morning. ;-)
    As for the list……..#6. I'm all about the process or the journey!
    Enjoy your journey, Leslie! ~ Sarah

  4. Okay, I have to say that I always feel slightly disconnected from my American blogging friends at this time of year. Thanksgiving is 5 weeks behind us up here and the snow has already hit the ground so winter in my world is a always...sooner than its official date. Oh how I wish we had this long drawn out autumn. I really do! Sorry Leslie. :)
    In regards to your home, well,I am sure it will sing out loud to many potential future homeowners. I bet when people walk in your door they will stop and stare and sense what wonderful events have happened within those walls. You are smart to take it in stride and roll with it. No other way to do it without driving yourself crazy.
    Finally, I think those special moments that you are capturing on your iPhone are possibly the clue to helping us slow down life and appreciate what is before us. Lately I have been feeling life on fast forward and searching for ways to slow it all down. But, I think what you are saying is really the key. Stop, look around you and enjoy.
    You always inspire me dear Leslie.

  5. what wonderfulness you have been creating--i can see how much this has fed your soul and deepened you. the house is looking so inviting and appetizing for buyers. best to you in these days of savoring the beauty in the everyday. i'm happy to be here too. i am. and that sort of attitude is infectious. it's childlike and leads to fruitful labor and meaningful relationships. keep going! keep singing this song of hope.


  6. 2, 4, 11... I love this post. Not only did you make some beautiful changes around the house but I always enjoy just reading what you have to say! I have been trying my best to live in the moment. My birthday is coming up at the end of the month and it always makes me reflect on my life. Just today I was picking my younger son up from school and I couldn't help think how much I was enjoying our few minutes of chatting together - just the two of us. I had that feeling of wanting to freeze time.
    Life moves too fast...

  7. I actually love them all but #1 speaks to me. Great list!

    You are busy and I like that you are mindful while you're doing what you have to do. You will look back on your last bit of time in this home with fond memories. And I love what you've done in the bedrooms and well, everywhere!

    Time is flying and as I get older, as much as I want to "live in the moment", I also feel an urgency to stay one step ahead of everything I have to and want to do. Lately I seem to be finding projects and chores to do that I've overlooked for a long time. Like your last minute painting and tweaking, I turn corners and see things through a strangers eye.

    Well, my dear, don't exhaust yourself. Take your time and don't worry about the blogging (just check in once in awhile so we don't worry!).


  8. I love what you've done with your home! The headboard being turned around is brilliant, and you know what? I think I like it better that way than the 'normal' way. You might be on to something.

    I like your attitude about life and changes. I too, am in a transitional period but making sure I live in the moment. Your words rang true and I appreciated what you wrote immensely.

    All the best with your home sale!

  9. I'll have to try that with the clothes hanger and ivy...maybe after Christmas.

  10. Wow! You have been busy.

    Love the fabric you used for the pillow in the bedroom.

    Love the chalkboard sign.

    Love your master bath.

    Love the quotes - I pinned it and am sending it to KC.

  11. Wow you have been busy....Loved every bit of it....

  12. I love that in your busyness you are finding contentment! And your home is just one charming room after another. There is a elegant simplicity to your style that just feels so warm and comfortable. I have a sign in my home that says ... take a deep breath, you're home. I use that saying as the tag line on my blog too. I think it describes your home perfectly!

  13. Oh my word, busy, busy, and everything is so pretty. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  14. I love this post so much, in the moment seems to make even small things more important! I love all of your projects...the bedroom side table, that you re-painted, has inspired a color change on a cabinet I have been wanting to paint. Your home is looking beautiful! And for today, #14 and #16 are speaking to me...

  15. It is always so nice to see your posts pop up in my email. Like a letter from a friend.

    I have been thinking of you and wondering how the move was coming and how your parents are taking it. It is always hard...

    I love all of the things that you have done but more importantly I LOVE that you are living in the moment, savoring all that is familiar. Life is so short and time is fleeting and especially at this time of year. Enjoy every second with your family.

    Thank you so much for your kind comment, and birthday wishes.

    xo Elizabeth

  16. "Now is the most interesting time of all" - that's for sure. Life is always bringing changes and challenges, but it's best if you live in the "now". My life is so full of new things every day as I've entered into retirement and a creative phase.

    I know what you mean about not feeling harried, but having those moments of sheer joy doing something simple

    Your house looks gorgeous. I'm sure it will sell quickly and you can move onto the next "now".

  17. Dear, dear Leslie,

    I love each photo you have shared...there is so much here.

    First of all, I wish I knew how to take such glorious photos of my home. I have a beautiful home, and full of white and gray. But my photos are always YELLOWED and I have tons of light flowing in, but no matter how I adjust the camera (and it's a good one!), I always end up with a lot of yellow. Your photos are JUST FABULOUS!

    As I get older, I am getting more aware of how precious (I know this sounds cliché) but it's true: life is such a miracle and it only comes around once. Taking those small moments to reflect on the fact that we are a part of such a huge world and universe helps me feel special. And you too, are special.

    Whatever your next move, embrace it with the creativity and love you have in you. Leave a trail behind and make each place you live extraordinary!

    Thank you so much for coming to visit, and you have inspired me this morning ! Anita

  18. I LOVE the red plates on the wall. Your home looks so adored, so special!
    There are so many comments up there that cut close to the bone for me. I like the idea of looking for opportunities, not guarantees. That seems to be where I am at and always have been.

  19. Oh My Leslie! I loved this post.
    You always know when to sit back and smell the roses...
    Yes I think that most of us want to get ahead in seasons, but I'm quite happy to wait. I'm slowly pulling and putting up decorations since our Thanksgiving and Remembrance day has passed.

  20. Love it all Leslie!! I love what you did with Micheal's room :)
