
Monday, August 5, 2013

goodbye chocolate monster sectional …hello new Belgian linen couch

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Couches are a big thing in our house.

Which is actually funny since I live with guys--two sons and a hubby—who don’t typically have decorating opinions. In fact, the mere mention of paint colors and fabric swatches is enough to elicit a glazed, hypnotic stare from each of them. Followed by an agreeable thumbs-up sign which I’ve come to love and expect because hey, I get to decorate the way I like.

Except for this. When it comes to getting rid of our family room sectional…whoa..what’s this? Suddenly everyone’s got an opinion.


the beloved BCM

Over the years the men in my life have become downright clingy and territorial about this oversized mass of cushions that I not-so-fondly refer to as the Big Chocolate Monster.

Did I mention it was huge?  And way too big for our room —(although who follows rules when it comes to the family room?)-- but it got us through the grade school years and the high school years…and it’s been the center of some pretty amazing memories.

Ok. I admit. I do have very fond feelings for it.


Stella taking a nap

I think couches are like dogs in a way. They take us through certain stages of our life. And they represent whole chunks of time and memories that can make it so hard to say good-bye.

This brown sectional was the perfect place for our special “family nights” over the years. And the fact that it was the size of a small island meant everyone had their special spot. Me on the chaise, Patrick in the corner and Michael and Jim somewhere in-between amid the blankets, pillows, books, and laptops. And of course all our dogs have loved it too.


What did I hate about it? Cushions everywhere.

What never bothered anyone else? Cushions everywhere.

Mom's iPhone Transfer 6-27-2013 331

Although the  best part about the BCM was that it became our private family cocoon.

It was also famous for its magical, dirt-hiding shade of brown and its ability to fit multiple high school bodies on it, when they occasionally used it as a Crash Pad. No exaggeration… but I once woke in the morning and counted five huge high school boys sleeping on it after a party with arms and legs popping out everywhere…

So here’s my question. What is it about testosterone and giant sectionals? Anyone out there know the answer?

Me neither.


But here’s the latest in my couch saga. (Are you enjoying all these photos of lovely linen couches-hint-hint?)  Because a few posts ago I casually mentioned that I’d received my best birthday present ever.

And well……. guess what?!

I finally got my new couch.

Yep, after all these years it finally happened…

sniff sniff

and it’s time to say good-bye to the Big Chocolate Monster.

Sorry guys.

I’m no longer listening to your complaints that you’ll move out if the Big Chocolate Monster goes. Because guess what?

You already are….moving out.

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In the end this was the deciding factor. With Michael --our youngest-- heading to college in a few weeks Mr. Moss finally gave in to the idea of replacing the family’s beloved sectional.  Only don’t be sad, because this Crate and Barrel piece still has some life left; it’s now being divided up between the boys who are taking parts of it to their college apartments.

How’s that for a happy ending?

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In the meantime I’m blissfully entering into an exciting decorating phase around here.


I’ve decided it’s time to lighten things up and re-do our family room as part of this new phase of our life. And there’s nothing that screams fresh-new-beginning-more than a change in couches.

Don’t you agree?






Come on guys. There are other pieces of furniture that are just as comfy as the BCM.


Although I did promise I wouldn’t choose anything that could be mistaken for formal or stiff.


And I planned on staying with something big and comfy, a couch long enough for six-foot-plus guys to sprawl out on--because gosh forbid--none of this sitting upright with a proper posture in our house.

So this was our plan.


With size and comfort in mind, Mr. Moss and I headed out to the Restoration Hardware Outlet in Vacaville, California with the idea of ‘just looking.”

After all this time waiting for my couch I wanted to relish the experience. Take my time and visit all the cool stores I had on my list. I wanted to go to the San Francisco Design Center and gaze at designer fabrics and get floor plan ideas…  


Are you with me?

Except I happened to forget one thing. I was shopping with a dude. A guy’s guy. A man who prefers to make decisions when he likes something. Who quickly summarizes the details and then says, ‘What are we waiting for?’ when I admit that I really like something. Gulp.


And did I mention how he loves a great deal? Just like me. So when we walked in and discovered all the RH couches were 40% off plus an additional $100.00 for every five hundred. And when we found the couch we liked but realized it had one broken foot which meant even more money off…

Well, you guessed it. Looks like it would be a Restoration Hardware English roll arm linen couch with down cushions for our family room.


Here’s a photo of the new couch foot being repaired by my Dad and Jim. It’s all fixed and just like new!

Stay tuned for more updates on my family room project. I'm so excited.


(sigh…some things never change )





I’m sharing this post with these friends:


linen couch photos from:; cotedetexas.blogspot; dreamywhitesblogspot; restorationhardware; velvetandlinen; jaysonhomeandgarden; greigedesign; countryliving 2003



  1. This was a great post and I love that parts of the monster are going to college.. I recently got the ERA in linen for RH too!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mine has no skirt, looks like maybe yours does? No slipcover and I wish it did have a slip but I got a great deal at the outlet so I went for it too!!!

  2. Awesome choice! I love that the BCM had such a history in your house. With two dogs maybe I need to look for a BCM myself.

  3. How wonderful that the couch "pieces" go to the kids! Brilliant and perfect recycling:) RH is great and I'm sure the couch will be totally comfortable and meet all of the aforementioned ;);) folks (aka: men in our lives who don't like to shop). It's fun to change things up a bit when the kids move out. I've had to get my husband used to the idea as he's a bit sentimental and for those items that are still "functional" ~ yet out of date, he has a tough time parting with. TMI! Enjoy the process:)

  4. You know I don't mind sectionals lol
    Especially covered in french linen - but can't wait to see your new reveal - and am so happy over your happiness!!!

  5. oh I love it! looks perfect! now let us know how the linen wears. I'm wanting a linen sofa but I'm skeert and I don't even have big boys!

  6. Love your choice! Just today, I mentioned to a friend that I'd like to replace our love seats with couches in white. I only have one guy opinion here, but don't know how he will react to this idea. I'm going to study your photos for some inspiration. Love this look!
    ~ Sarah
    PS Shower gecko captured and released into the garden. I know you've been awaiting this important news. '-)

  7. Oh, I'm trying so hard not to be envious! I, too, have a brown sectional that I'd like to say goodbye to in favor of something light and beautiful. Sigh.
    I have a teenager and two young kids yet, so it's not to be for me anytime soon :) I enjoyed seeing all your inspiration photos, and your new sofa is so pretty! I love that your boys got to take parts of the BCM! Looking forward to seeing more.

  8. Oh how pretty and a good deal too - what could be better! All your inspiration photos are dreamy. I know you will soon be enjoying your own dreamy room. Can't wait to see it all come together! ... And the boys are going to love the BCM for a while longer - perfect! ... I just ordered a new sofa last week. I'm just a little sad to see this one go. Ryan always called it the best napping sofa ever! But the holes were growing and I'm just ready for a change too!

  9. Beautiful choice, Leslie! Restoration Hardware has such gorgeous furnishings, it's definitely one of my go to places for inspiration! xxoo

  10. Wow! It's beautiful! I am having major couch envy! Thanks so much for sharing at The Scoop!...hugs...Debbie

  11. Lucky you! I feel that as a part of "giving up" our kids to college and careers, the Mom should have the option to redecorate. :) It's great that the boys can take the BCM with pieces they choose. I know you're going to LOVE this new linen sofa! Can't wait to see what else you do.


  12. oh boy do i totally get it. it looks great! i had the cream leather italian monster sectional in our living room for these 3 men until finally i got my belgian linen slope arm 8 foot lovely from RH too. the sectional lives on downstairs, but what a difference now! grown up furniture!



  13. Good for you!! Thought you were going to chop it up like I did to mine lol?? I have to live with my sectional a wee bit longer since its nit that old boo... At least the configuration is better now. Don't you love being the princess of the house? Nobody wants to mess with mana...I love it! Oh and I really LOVE your new couch!! Xo

  14. Woohoo ~ and they all loved happily ever after. Love that the BCM is gaining a new life with the boys. Sounds like it holds many memories and I am sure your new one will make may more. xo

  15. Love how the chocolate monster is being divided...the legend lives on. And what's not to love about anything that has the word chocolatein it? I do love the great deal you got on the new linen couch though.

  16. Ohhh pretty!! And I bet that you of will manage to maintain it's "Belgan Linen" glory!

  17. Love your new couch. So fun that the boys are splitting up the old one, that sounds like fun. Thanks tons for joining Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  18. I'm so happy for you. It's beautiful in your space. Plus it's pretty awesome the boys get to take their beloved brown sectional.

  19. Okay Leslie, can I just sigh! I am in love, full-blown LOVE.

  20. It is B E A U T I F U L !

    Our sofa is too big for our living room, but Steve loves it - the right length for him to stretch out for his daily afternoon nap before he goes for his run.

    I can't wait to see the rest of the changes in the room.

    I am guessing it is about time for your family to be heading to LMU.

  21. Hello...indeed...I LOVE it!
    So stylish...a little envious :-)
    Have a wonderful weekend.
