
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Happy thoughts


Eighteen years ago today, I was in the hospital with Michael.

Wow. I love birthdays.

Today the sun is shining.

DSC_1017 copy

Michael is smiling. Patrick is back in school, safe and sound.

It’s a holiday weekend. I started reading THIS book and THIS book.

We’re headed over to watch a football game at my parents.

Good food awaits us.


And I’m in the middle of lots of painting projects. Which makes me happy.


Sometimes I have no idea where I’m going to end up. I just start painting. Just because it feels right.

And I’m aware that this makes me sound like a loony woman.


Which I’ve never denied.


my pinterest beauty board

How about you?

What are you doing today?





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  1. Happy Birthday to Michael! And to you too. YOU did all the work! Eighteen years goes by so quickly, doesn't it? Did you ever see that movie Everybody's Fine with Robert De Niro? It's kind of a sad movie, but it's good. I could so relate to the way he would look at his grown children and sometimes see them as the small children they once were. Love the birthday pancakes! So cute! (And no bad association... like the time I made M&M pancakes and my son got sick in rainbow colors all over the carpet.) I'm excited to see your fireplace transformation. I can already tell it's going to be beautiful. Looney women UNITE!

  2. Hi Leslie, I also randomly paint things! I am sure your fireplace will look beautiful. Happy birthday to Michael and I hope you have a great week.
    xx, Sherry

  3. I can't wait to see the fireplace done. What a fun thing! Di

  4. Happy Birthday to Michael!! Not working on any projects this weekend, studying with my 2 older kiddos for mid terms, not fun:(
    LOVE the little peek, it's going to look fabulous!

  5. Congratulations on such a huge birthday milestone! And thank you for the creative pancake idea, my kiddos are going to flip out the day that I decide to try out that smiley face. I completely understand your need to paint! I'm looking forward to the end result. I'm moderately obsessed with spray-painting random objects white! Wishing you all the best (and the birthday boy too) - xx - Monica

  6. Sounds like fun to me! Hope Michael has a wonderful birthday. Anxious to see the fireplace.

    I've heard a lot about "Gone Girl" ~ what do you think? Haven't heard of the other one. Love to read!


  7. So glad you are painting it! I think I may do mine....with courage! Pls post details of your paint job! Looking good!
