
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

why I changed my blog header


Changing a blog header is sort of a big deal.

In case you don’t know, blog headers are considered an invaluable piece of blog real estate. That’s because the header is the top portion of the blog, and it’s the first thing that the reader sees, so its impact is immediate.


Whenever I find myself on a new blog, it’s the header that makes a powerful first impression by conveying a few things; it sets a tone and personality not only for the blog’s content, but it also tells me a bit about the blogger.

Last July when I first put my little toe into the blogger world, I didn’t know much about blogs. I began a blog because I wanted to share some of my on-going DIY projects and parties with others who might like a few ideas, but I didn’t know how I’d feel once I started writing posts. But in the last several months I’ve learned a few things.

I’ve learned that while I still love home design, party planning, and creating pretty tablescapes there is an ebb and flow to my interests. There are also books to discuss. Interviews that I long to do. And of course, there was that other life I had inside the world of eating disorders that craves an occasional mention.

Frankly, at my age I enjoy exploring the messier side of life. You know. It’s the one that isn’t so apparent in the beautifully staged world of design blogs, but I think it’s what connects us all.

newheaderjune5 copy

Which brings me to my decision to change the sweet, light-hearted Gwen Moss graphic perched over a cup of coffee. I’m still fond of my little image. But it was starting to gnaw at me. Each time I came to my own blog it began to feel like a glance in the mirror at a dated hair cut. I knew why I originally picked it, but it no longer felt like “Me.”

So I decided it was time for a change.


The female mannequin is a sentimental reminder of my work with women and body image, as well as my years in Los Angeles. And I love it even more because it’s draped in funky jewelry and set against a clean white background. It’s more quirky and without all those words in the header, a bit ambiguous. But that’s Ok, it suits me better.

I hope you like it too.






  1. Love your new look Leslie! You are on to a good thing here... can't wait to see more. :)
    Jeanne xx

  2. Hi, Leslie

    I love the new header. I love to change things around too. I am in the processes of doing this myself in another month. Great start.


  3. Hi Leslie, I don't know what your header looked like before but I really like this one. It is clean, fresh,classy, and sassy. That's good in my book. I'm glad you found my blog. Thanks for the kind words. I am your new follower. Kathy

  4. Hi! I'm new to your blog and have added myself to your "followers". I never saw your old header, but I appreciate the idea of having a header that feels like it really fits you. I am new to blogging and appreciate finding other bloggers out there who seem "real" and approachable. I came across your site when I read your comment on cowparsley and was interested in finding a blog written by someone else in Northern California. I'll be looking forward to reading more of your posts.
