
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My Christmas Wishes for YOU


Recently, I was up late at night decorating my banister and an old Cary Grant movie, To Catch a Thief, came on the television. I love those old classic movies and as I tied the garlands on the staircase and fiddled with the pinecones, this nostalgic ‘Hitchcock’ plot became a surprisingly enjoyable backdrop for these quiet hours.

unexpected contentment…


photos: christmastimeinthecity

I had the fire going strong in the fireplace and even though Jim was out of town and Michael was asleep, I felt incredibly content and captivated by my busy work.

These few, unexpected hours of contentment reminded me that happy moments can happen when we least expect them.

So here are some moments that I’m wishing for you …

some of my Christmas wishes for you in luscious shades of white…


I hope you have a chance to slow down and enjoy the beauty of all your Christmas decorations


Photo: Creative Culinary

And I hope you find time to have a decadent cocktail like this Smore-martini with a good friend, and “catch-up” on your busy lives.


I hope you have a chance to sit at a table with some wonderful listeners. And that the people are interesting and comfortable to be with… and that somebody says something funny or absurd that makes you laugh out loud.


I hope you find something small and lovely in your path today.


I hope you have an unexpected phone call or a visit from somebody…and that this visit triggers fond, sentimental memories that you had previously forgotten.


I hope you get a chance to sing Christmas carols, loud and off-key this season (even if it’s only in your car with the radio blasting).


I hope something magical and good happens to you or someone in your family. And that afterwards you shake your head and mutter to yourself, “I can’t believe that happened ..”


I hope you feel pure excitement about a gift that you chose for somebody on your list. And that they absolutely love what you picked out for them.


I hope you read the book, The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion because it will make you appreciate every single day that you have with your loved one…


I hope you take time to bake something during the holidays so that your kitchen smells sweet …


I hope you still feel that giggly, child-like excitement about Christmas morning.


I hope you get a chance to dance during these holidays…


and wear an outfit that makes you feel utterly sexy and fun.


I hope you dream about a white, blissful Christmas and in your dream, this day is everything you want it to be… and when you wake up, I hope that SAME, happy sensation stays with you all day long.

And finally, I hope that you know deep down in your heart, how truly unique and special you are in the world.


Have a great day, my friend!

photos: google images, christmastimeinthecity, country living, chrispotheringpinterest, cynthia garrett.typepad,,,



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