
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

random summer thoughts


hello july

Well as usual there’s a lot happening around here. We’re knee deep in decomposed granite (literally) since it’s currently in a pile on our driveway awaiting the addition of 10 pounds of stabilizer before it becomes a legitimate patio. I’ve got pictures coming soon.

Meanwhile I’ve started and stopped painting the room with the new French doors –shoveling anything will do that to me…

which now makes a total of two rooms –oops, three counting the newly sprayed laundry room, that are officially in various states of renovation ( i.e. visual chaos).

The good thing is that I’m on Day 16 of my yoga challenge and I’m already feeling the peaceful affects. Thank goodness, I think my muscles are now over the toughest part.

Meanwhile, I’ve been working on my latest blog series (Five Books that Changed my Life) and I’m really enjoying the process. I hope you check back in and offer your own thoughts. I’m so genuinely touched whenever you take the time to share bits and pieces of your own  personal story.

Before I go here’s a few topics you might enjoy:




white jeans- picking out the right ones 

a company that makes Belgian linen slipcovers for Ikea couches!

thinking about reading this book—the fastest selling adult novel of all time

an interesting blog manifesto

thoughts on being a deep person (these five qualities)

before your kids get too cool to listen-10 things (I sure hope I said)

the unconventional way one woman saved her marriage

Jessica Helgerson’s pretty house





Hmm..what do you want your July to be about?






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  1. I love posts like this--please tell me this is not you in these photos or I'll be forever intimidated and too envious to come to your blog. ;-)

    I identify with all the rooms undergoing den and guest room are competing for attention as the budget/time allows. Outdoors we have put off the new driveway, porch and sidewalk til...??

    I read this book a few months ago and absolutely ate it up. So dark and mysterious and wow, how your affections shift back and forth from one character to the next. Yet like many books, and I think of Gone Girl, it has a love/hate readership. Some say it's too dark. I think it is a bit, too, but that doesn't take anything away from this novel.

    Going to check out your other links.

    Thanks for a great visit yesterday!

    Jane x

  2. Hey, Leslie. I read the Blog Manifesto and I can't seem to find a way to follow this blog. Wow, her post was amazing. Any advice?

    Jane x

  3. OMG! I'm now considering decomposed granite for my back patio! So naturally I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures. I got mixed reviews on the faux grass. I know I don't want concrete, so my next thought was the decomposed granite.
    Have a Happy 4th!
    The House of Hampton

  4. July for us this year is "the wedding". All my thoughts from now until July 18 tend to go toward the event. I am already having the dreams that it is the rehearsal dinner and I left the groomsmen's gifts (including the tie they will wear in the wedding) back in Ventura.

    And, after July 18, I imagine that there will be lots of time processing the wedding.

    I am enjoying all of this hoopla, but Steve is so ready for it all to be over.

    I loved the bedroom of the house in Oregon - all those bookcases. And, I love the linen slipcovers.

  5. That is a very pretty house, and I was just thinking that there isn't a room that I wouldn't be happy living in there. Far away form that world now because I'm in England for the summer, which means our Cotswold stone village and quiet, small cottages, warm stone churches, roses on walls, and neighbours trotting down the lane on their horses. Love this life too. Hope you have a lovely July 4th celebration. My Canada Day celebration here was quiet. Had the flag flying over the cottage and off to bed early. (Jet lag)

  6. Leslie,
    Are you and the mister installing the decomposed granite yourselves? I can hardly wait to see it. I've been laying mulch in the beds this past couple of weeks...I keep hoping it will help my plants thrive during this drought and the reduced watering the city is demanding.
    I love, love, love the Jessica Helgerson house. It has the right combination of fresh mixed with pieces with a history.
    Enjoy the 4th, don't work too hard. Oh, and my goal for the summer is to try to relax and enjoy the heat

  7. Dear Jane. The fact that you thought that tall, gorgeous and very young blonde was possibly moi, makes me want to kiss you. Actually I like to think of myself as the mysterious, sultry version of this. Possibly a Paz Vega minus the to-die-for-face and the big boobs. Or maybe a 5'2 version of Marisa Tomei minus the lithe body and channeling a Lucille Ball energy that results in public bike falls where I scream and inadvertently draw attention to myself (according to my son) and then wonder why that's such a weird thing. Doesn't everyone scream when they're about to fall off a bike? But now I'm blathering about my weekend.
    Back to your question about Meg's blog. To be honest, I used to follow her when she was on Blogger but I honestly don't know about subscribing to her blog now. I've read in comments that readers are getting her posts so there has to be a way. I'll do some checking. But she's a fabulous writer isn't she?

  8. what a lovely bunch of shares, leslie! i am thinking about you as you live with the chaos and loose ends. not easy. not for sissies for sure, which we are most certainly NOT. we just need time and energy to create what our imaginations have no trouble at all visioning. btw, sleep is nonexistent right now so i am emotionally weird all the time. i hope july is kind. that's really all i ask right now. reinforcements begin arriving tomorrow from arizona and then from montana in another week. i hope i won't lose my mind with all the extra bodies in a small rental and a smelly cottage. i have read two of parker palmer's books and have another small stack of spiritual growth titles to devour. nothing light or beachy on my nightstand, but then i bet you guessed that. be well! peace to you.

  9. Leslie!

    As always, the inspiration at Gwen Moss is top shelf!

    July is all about reunion and family! Our son Jay is arriving on Monday. We have not seen him since we dropped him off at SeaTac on Boxing Day at 4 am. (We didn't even have a chance to sleep off Christmas!) We will take a few day trips, cook on our new deck, and play with the babies!

    We are living a California dream life! The weather in western Washington State been amazing!

    Our house is in it's own state of disrepair, but we take it one day at a time! I keep my rose colored glasses within reach. It doesn't hurt to visit here for further validation! You handle it well!

    Happy 4th of July to you and your hard working family!

    You "are" a gem . . . by-the-way!

  10. Good morning, Leslie! WELL, you are offering some pretty interesting reads here today! I must read that Blog Manifesto, and also I am very much interested in some linen slipcovers! So much packed into this post that I must study and proceed!

    Thank you so much for coming to visit me. Our third time to Carmel, our honeymoon spot was extremely eye-opening as writers, lovers and collectors of art, and as a married couple. To me, there is nothing like the sea to open your mind and to rethink how one sees the world.

    Enjoy your fourth and I can't wait to see your French doors and driveway project! Anita

  11. Hello Leslie...thank you so much for your lovely, kind words on my blog today, I do, so like the idea of being your 'silent motivator' I'm very touched. I'm so pleased you're enjoying your yoga challenge, sounds interesting, let me know how you continue to get on, great to hear you're feeling more peaceful...and with peace comes calmness and personally I always find I'm much more productive when I feel calm.
    Have a wonderful tor read your book post now :) xx
