
Friday, October 10, 2014

Day 10: saying Yes instead of No



What an unexpected surprise.

Last night we danced to this song:

please click and play while you read this post…

Do you remember this song?

It happened because we finally said “Yes” to a invitation by our next door neighbors.

In the last several weeks, we’ve waved and had brief conversations with Jeff and Maria, enough to know they were warm, outgoing people. But we’ve always declined their casual invitations to join their gatherings because the timing has been bad, we’ve literally been in the middle of some form of unpacking and cleaning.

But last night they were celebrating their daughter Jessie’s graduation from cosmetology school and invited us over.


We walked into the house with a bouquet of hot pink flowers and a small gift and were immediately welcomed with a warm hugs and friendly introductions and the best dance music playing in the background.

Jessie is a vivacious, beautiful 19 year old and she introduced me to her girl friends who were utterly adorable in their chic summer dresses. Her best friend hugged me and said, “I’m always here, so I’ve adopted you guys as my new neighbors too.”

And we were dazzled by these kids, their daughter and son and their 19 to 22 year old friends—who were out there dancing in a circle that included a 91 year old Grandpa.

How could we resist?  





Drinks were flowing and everyone welcomed each of us

-Jim, Patrick and me- with their down to earth friendliness.

Honestly, we knew they were nice…but who would’ve thought

… we would have been in a brightly lit garage laughing and dancing to loud music on a random Thursday night?

What a lesson.

Sometimes, you just have to say “Yes” to a spontaneous question ..




…and see what happens.


Can you relate?


Happy 10th Day of October!








  1. I always comment the same on your posts but



  2. WOW...I love this, Leslie! My kids and grandkids know I'm going to hop up and dance when the music is a matter-of-fact, I jumped up and danced to your song lol! Thanks for putting some surprise in MY day!

  3. This is such good advice. I confess, we tend to be plan ahead people instead of embracing an opportunity to enjoy the day/night when offered.
    I love the flash back for me upon hearing Earth, Wind and Fire!
    Enjoy your weekend.

  4. Love this. And yes, sometimes those spontaneous moments of saying yes lead to wonderful memories!

  5. I love this post my dear! After my daughter's moving out last week … and my missing her … I have adopted a just say YES attitude to life! so far that has taken me to a Korean spa this week … and has me packing for an impromptu trip to Cancun with a friend! Her husband couldn't make the trip and she invited me … my first inclination was to say No … but … I remembered my new motto … so now I will be leaving on the 256h … way out of my normal comfort zone …. but only yeses to life … will make it fuller!

    Thanks for you zestful posts my dear! Much appreciated!


  6. This the BEST!!! I love Earth, Wind & to dance...and saying Yes! What a lovely group of people to spend an evening with.

    A favorite of mine:
    "Do it now!
    Sometimes 'Later' becomes 'Never'. "

    Thanks so much for sharing!

  7. Who could resist dancing to Earth, Wind and Fire...funny, though because I've had a week where I've kept saying to myself I must learn to say NO...but I agree with you sometimes saying YES is simply the right thing to do...sounds a wonderful evening, Leslie.
    Happy Weekend xx

  8. LOVE LOVE LOVE this post.....I also love Earth, Wind & Fire, my children & I dance to it too! Am playing it right now as I write this & thinking of you :)

    You have such wisdom & such good energy Leslie, I always feel better after I read your posts. Definitely going to say yes more, thank you!! Xx

  9. PS How wonderful to have such great neighbours....not sure if I'm talking about them or you ;) You're both lucky!! Xx

  10. yes, I can hubby is very reserved and quiet unless he knows you well. Our new neighbors are pretty "social", so he's having to step out of his comfort zone. It's going to be interesting!

  11. I love Earth Wind and Fire I would have been dancing too:-) I'm so glad you guys had a great night with new friends!

  12. I love that song! I know I'm showing my age, but it reminds me of college. And I love your story. I could just totally picture your lovely evening. I'm so glad you said yes!

  13. Ah, yes. That tiny little word that opens a door to untold possibilities.

    I was the mother of a pre-scooler when I precisely recall reading the wisdom of Chuck Swindoll and thinking he must have lost his loving mind. His advice was that parents should say "yes" more often than "no," when it is at all possible to do so. If "yes" means having a picnic on the living room floor, or roasting marshmallows over the fireplace coals, consider the memories that will follow.

    Good advice, saying yes more. I learned it was a wonderful and fun way to live.

  14. Perfect reason to continue to really try to be mindful, and in the moment. Such delightful opportunities and people surround us, but we are too caught up in our patterns, routines, and selves to see beyond it. What a celebration of the "now", this moment.

  15. Yes, to saying "yes" more often. Time is fleeting, and taking the moments when they present themselves enriches our lives. I had to say goodbye to one of my dearest friends this week. Knowing the end was near, we'd spent much time together this past year. We must grab hold of life when we have it. Thank you for yet another insightful post.

  16. Thank you. Isn't it amazing? We joke (or complain) about getting old, and then we say no to fun - just like an old person.

  17. Oh, that song brings me back to fun times with old friends! How nice that you've already made a connection with your new neighbors.

