
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

spreading beauty and hope…


Today is a day for sharing things of beauty and hope.


Because yesterday was a tough day.

On a day when I was already feeling down about this and that, I turned on the news and saw unbearable loss and sadness at the site of the Boston marathon bombing. 


Our weather was gray and overcast and my mood stayed somber all day long.

Because sometimes Life is hard. That’s the truth.


And it’s important to be honest about what you’re feeling. Instead of judging your emotions and thinking, “What’s wrong with me today?”

it’s healthy to let those shadowy feelings be okay.


Instead of judging your emotions, be curious to know yourself better.

Try to observe your feelings without labeling them “positive” or “negative.” Because that’s how they come to pass through us



and leave us wiser…



That’s what I did yesterday. I felt so sad… I even cried

for people I didn’t know and for things in my own life I can’t control

And this morning  I felt SO much better. Of course nothing has been magically fixed, but today I was determined to pray hard for those who are hurting and to write a post that might inspire and lift you




Because today is a new beginning.

Even before our day starts we can do these FIVE THINGS to make us feel good. Because when we feel strong and hopeful we can cope with the uncertainty of life.


We can practice these TEN HABITS that might lighten our daily load

because we deserve to go at an easier pace.


And we should be on the look-out for the real life angels in our lives; the people who are supportive and say nice things and make us feel good about who we are.

Because no matter what you think, you’re already perfect.

You know that, right?


So I hope you read this PERMISSION SLIP.

And remember that at any moment we can stop going back to people or places that drain our energy and make us feel bad, no matter how many chances we give them.


Practice kindness above all else.


And slow down to appreciate the smallest joys each day.

Even if this means blogging less in order to be fully present with those we love.

Because LIFE is so precious.



I know you join me in sending prayers to the city of Boston.

(Today we’re all Bostonians)

Blessings to you my friend!




I’m linking up with these friends:


(photos:,,, hookedonhouseblogspot,.com,




  1. I don't often go back and read a post a second time, but I often find myself doing that here. You are so positive and insightful Leslie. Thank you my friend, just exactly what I needed to hear today!

  2. Leslie, I'm sorry that you were already feeling sad yesterday before the unthinkable events in Boston. We ARE all a little broken, aren't we? Somehow, that is comforting. Thank you for lifting me up, my friend.

  3. Beautiful words to ponder. Beautiful pictures shared. Blessings to you, Patti

  4. This is the most insightful and uplifting post I have ever read for a very long time. I would love for you to link to my Inspire Me Tuesday party that is ongoing. This is a message more need to read. - - -

    Thanks and God Bless. Hugs, Marty

  5. What a beautiful post and photos. Thank you!
    Jamie @

  6. Oh Leslie, what a beautiful beautiful post - it seems we're being hit with more and more of this on an all too frequent basis - my soul hurts - thanks for the words of encouragement and the beautiful photos to accompany them...........
    Big hugs,

  7. I was clicking through blogs tonight and my whole body popped up when I saw you had a recent post. Your posts ALWAYS make me feel good, but this is especially sweet after yesterday's horror.

    Thank you!

  8. gorgeous sentiments, leslie. feeling all of this and lots of tears here as well. we're grievers because our hearts are soft, as they should be.

    peace to you.


  9. I felt the same way...and still do. Very emotional days for me, and don't even know anyone in Boston. But I am a runner and a mom, and those news really hit home and hit hard! thank you for spreading hope

  10. Excellent post, Leslie...My heart truly goes out to all that lost loved one by an act of violence. I know all too well what they are going thru and its a tough road. I have been spending time being kind to myself, as I've been in a funk since my friend died a few weeks back, so haven't been blogging much - but I will soon...Sending love and hugs to you! xxoo

  11. It's been a tough week ... Boston, now the devastation in a Texas town from a fertilizer plant explosion. Sometimes you have to step away from the destruction and find the beauty. I love what you have shared here. Yesterday, we went in search of bluebonnets. It was refreshing.

  12. Hi Leslie. I share your feelings. Well said..lovely post.
    Wishing you a bright day.


  13. Hi Leslie! Thank you so much for your inspirational post! It is greatly appreciated! Take care of your sweet self! Hugs, Leena

  14. Leslie, Thanks for sharing this beautiful post and photos! My heart goes out to the victims in Boston and those injured in the Texas explosion today.

  15. Thank You! this is truly the perfect post.... just what my soul needed

  16. Leslie, I know exactly how you feel. Someday's are just down days, and then something tragic happens and it is if the weight of the world is being carried around on our shoulders. I have shed many a tear this week for the survivors who have years and years of surgeries and healing to come, for Martin the 8 year old who lost his life and so many more.

    Thank you for reminder to take a minute to relax, be present and to pray!

    Have a great weekend! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and your beauty. It always makes me smile.

  17. This is the best blog entry I've ever read. Thanks for sharing :)

  18. This was a very insightful and uplifting post. You have written the words that so many of us have been thinking. Thank you!

  19. Wow ~ so glad I clicked on the links Leslie and thanks for sharing them! I love the permission slip ~ well I loved the 5 things ~ then the 10 ~ wow.... I already said that didn't I. Can I say that I also love that it is ok to have an off day and not find an excuse for it. I had a difficult couple of days a week ago and needed to vent ~ release my anger. I came home ~ all by myself ~ cranked up the music and sang. You know what ~ it worked and I felt much better after letting go of that anger and releasing it the way I did. I love this post ~ I think it is one of my favourites of yours ~ ever. Happy Sunday sweet lady. xo

  20. A moving post. I loved the angel in the subway and the comment about being able to NOT go back to places or people with bad energy - this resonates with me.

    Sending love to all you Bostonians in this moment. And thank you for the teabag biscuits xx

  21. There are so many important messages in this. Thanks for sharing so much beauty. I'm remembering to not judge my emotions. Sending hugs. xx
