
Thursday, November 22, 2012

tiny beautiful moments on Thanksgiving


Late last night while I was sitting in my office preparing to write this post I heard the sound of keys dangling in the door. Patrick’s English final had ended at 4 p.m that afternoon so he was supposed to be home anytime after eleven, and I immediately looked up from my computer.

The first words I heard were, “Hey Mom,” and then I saw Michael –not Patrick--toss his keys down and glide past the French doors toward the kitchen. He was home from his night out with friends, and when I saw him I couldn’t help but notice a rush of relief pass through my body.

Hmm... I wondered.

Does every mother who has a teenage boy driving on wet, rainy streets feel an amazing sense of contentment each time they come bumbling through the front door?


via bellamumma pinterest

Minutes later there was more noise. A thud against the door and then Stella was yelping and pawing the doorknob while it turned, and in walked Patrick with his own bellowing, “Hey Momma!”

I was already at the door ready with a big hug when I turned around and glimpsed Michael coming from around the corner.  I stood back and watched them both greet each other with a big bear hug and once again I felt the world slowing down around me. 

My twenty year old son and my seventeen year old son were both home and looking strong and healthy. And the sound of their deep voices had flooded my senses with sheer happiness.

My Thanksgiving was already perfect.

And the warm food and loud family conversations and typical chaos had not even happened yet.


I’ve been happily reminded that anything that goes ‘wrong’ today will only be the small stuff.


And I will focus on seeing the tiny, beautiful, meaningful moments

that matter.

Wishing you a day filled with gratitude. Thank you dear readers for being here.

Happy Thanksgiving!




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  1. Your post brought tears to my eyes. I remember when my kids were that age and I felt just like you. What a relief it was when they were in my line of vision. I can see so much love through your writing. I am happy to have my two beautiful children home with us and my new daughter in law who will be giving us a grandchild in the spring. Life is good and I appreciate, like you, every small wonderful detail.

  2. A beautiful post....I am not yet at that stage but I can only imagine your feelings....everything about my children makes me emotional!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours XX

  3. Yes, I hated the waiting for my son to arrive home. Thank goodness those days are over. I'm slowly realizing how their lives are totally out of my hands at this point. So, I just keep them in my prayers and know that I did everything I could to give them a good life. Now, it's up to them.

  4. What a beautiful post!! Happy Thanksgiving Leslie!

  5. So many truths here. I have spent the past few years worrying about homecomings - foggy icy roads, partying, crazy skiing, flights, you name it. I'd like to get to a place where the worry subsides, but I don't think we ever do, do we? Your words make me feel that rush of relief - also that I am not alone in these wearying sentiments! Xxcat

  6. That was beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing:)

  7. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. My sons, 23, 18, and 15 yrs. old, were all home. The meal was delicious, but we could have been eating Hamburger Helper for all I cared. It was just great to have everyone around the table. And it's true. It really is the tiny, beautiful, meaningful moments that matter...Okay, let the Christmas festivities begin!

  8. I so related to this - the sheer joy that I had walking thru my door and seeing my 21 year old daughter rushing to me with a big smile and her arms out just made my heart soar! And in the next few hours when my son walked in made my heart sing and all was right in my world!

  9. aw, i got a little teary. i can't sleep until my daughter is home and the keys are on the table.
    i feel like 18 should be the legal driving age but even then i know the worry probably never goes away.
    loved this post leslie-tears and all.

  10. What a great post. I love moments like these with my kiddos.


  11. So well said Leslie! My "kids" are now 25 and 30. I love the people they have grown up to become. And the very best moments are the quiet unexpected ones where we're just being us together and I sit back and smile, being thankful that we are together, safe and well. I savor those moments!
